The gist of it I will go to my To Be Read on Goodreads and pick a book solely on it's cover. You can pick from books at home, shelfari, amazon, goodreads, etc.
At one point I read the synopsis so feel confident of the books in my TBR are ones I would enjoy, however for some reason I have not picked it up since adding it.
I will post the cover of the book with my initial thoughts on what I think it will be without rereading the synopsis. Once I have finished the book, I will write the review and compare review to cover. I think this is an interesting type of challenge and could be a lot of fun. Plus it gives me a chance to tackle books that either caught my eye or the cover has turned me off and I have not given a chance.
This week I am chosing:
Initial Thoughts: This one looks like rip roaring fun to me. The title as well as the yummy man on the cover looks like it will be a hell of a good time. Not sure premise for the story but I suspect combustable attraction between hero/heroine
Previous results
Dangerous Secrets by Lisa Marie Rice
A Date With The Other Side by Erin McCarthy
If you would like to participate here are the rules:
Fill out the Linky tool to include your blog, if you do not have a blog leave a comment with your selection:
Choose your book cover.
Post your initial thoughts on what the book will be.
Review and post your thoughts on how it compared to the cover.
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