My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Millie Donovan left the town of Pearl years ago, but her fond memories never wavered sending her best friends Anna and Stacey to find true love and away from the negative lifestyles they were surrounded with. Millie should have taken her own advise, but she met a man who she thought she was in love with only to have him brutally abuse her and leave her within a thread of life. When she finds out he got early parole she is worried, when she receives a phone call from him she panics and heads to Pearl. The one thing Millie vows is never again let a man in her life.
The Lewis brothers are looking to find a relationship similar to the menage lifestyles the town accepts, but they have not found a woman they can all agree on. The biggest hurdle right now for them is Dalton, he has been hurt and that he wears battle scars has him questioning every women in their path. When he meets Millie he is attracted to her, but quickly decides she is the same as the rest of the women who fawn over the Lewis brothers. Hank, Jeremy, Anthony, and Marco see it differently and little by little Millie gets under all of their skins. Dalton is the first to act though and once her tender kiss hits his lips there is no going back, he plans to protect her no matter what. Millie is used to be independent and has had so many bad experiences she is not quite willing to hand over the reigns quite yet, wondering if it is possible to find true love. The Lewis brothers intend to prove there is.
I liked this one, but probably my least favorite. I was slightly confused because there is a back story that really was not referred to in Anna and Stacey's stories which is huge. I liked Millie, but was more interested in the male characters particularly Marco who is a deputy and really controls the tone of the story when he is in it. Dalton is a quick runner up though.
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Great review!! I actually loved this book because I loved all these guys!! I so wanted to be Millie!!! LOL ;) But you are so right about the back story not being in any book before. I was kind of confused on that myself. I'm glad to know that I was not the only one.